Monday, June 21, 2010

It's going...

Weight Watchers
I officially began Weight Watchers this past Saturday.  So far, so good.  I'm allowed 23 points each day and the 35 extras each week.  So far, I've only used 5 of the 'extra' points over the 2 1/2 days.  I think that's pretty good.  I've stayed a little hungry throughout the day but I think it was more due to boredum.  Maybe not boredum completely but thinking about the fact that I cannot eat the chips and muffins...I'm sure that doesn't help! 

Other than staying hungry, I had a really bad headache yesterday but after thinking about it, I figured it was from no caffiene.  To fix that, I had a 1/2 cup of Pepsi and I was all better!  Energetic actually!  I ended up cleaning the entire house then wasn't able to sleep!

Unfortunately, Friday, I had to work late so I wasn't able to go running after work.  I also do not usually go on the weekends because I have the kids.  I've tried taking them with me but Landon complains of boredum after 10 minutes of going in a circle and Bri is too little and gets fussy when she gets hot.  Plus, it's not easy to push a Graco stroller when you're doing the HIIT because you have to sprint for a few.  Sure, I could ask Shaun to watch them but I honestly would rather use the weekends as my down time so I don't bother.

I've been walking for 3 weeks and started the HIIT on Wednesday.  Believe it or not, it wasn't too bad!  I had to sit once but was able to make another two laps before I left the track.

Weight In
I setup my weight in days for Sundays.  This past Sunday, I had lost a total of 3 lbs!  That was within 3 weeks (to break it down: 5 days of walking, 2 days of HIIT, 1 day of WW)!! I was super excited with the 3 lb loss!!!  Hopefully, at my next weigh in, I will reach my 5% goal!

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